If you want to start a new review cycle, please go to Teamflect Admin Center https://admin.teamflect.com
Find "Modules" on the left navigation bar and click the "Reviews" tab.
Click the Review cycles button and once inside, click the "Start New Cycle" button.
On the pop-up, you will see the existing templates in the dropdown menu. You can use one of the existing templates.
If you want to create a new review template from scratch, please click the "You can create and see your review templates in create/see review template'' text located under the template menu.
You also have this option on the previous page, the main page of the Reviews module in the Admin Center.
If you want to create a new review template, please find the designated button at the top left and click on it.
Template details - Step 1 of 12
As a first step, choose a title for your review template. This name will not be visible to your end-users, and will only appear inside of Teamflect Admin Center for your convenience.
You can optionally add a description to your review template. You can add images to the description section. For this, copy the image you want to add and then paste it into the box in the description section. If you have text you want to add, you can add it and with the rich text editor bar above, you can make your text bold or italic and add bullet points to the starting point of the text.
Note: You can make these edits in the description part of all sections.
The description you write here will be visible on the review page. Please take a look at an example below.
Then you will need to select the type of review. Teamflect currently offers two options:
Employee review without self-review (2 steps): No self-assessment will be created. When selected, the reviewer will be able to complete the review without the reviewee's self-assessment.
If needed, the review can be completely hidden from the reviewee by checking the box that reads ''Hide review from reviewee'' below. When checked, the employee is not notified of the review initiated about them, and it's only the reviewer's responsibility to fill it out.
2. With self-review (2 steps): A review with a self-assessment will be created when you select this option. Once the reviewee submits the self-review, the reviewer will be able to add comments on top of the reviewees.
By default, self-assessment answers become available to the reviewer when the reviewee submits the self-assessment. To maintain objectivity, if you don't want the reviewer to see the responses of the reviewee, you can check the ''Hide reviewees answers from the reviewer until the review is submitted" box.
Finally, in this section, choose whether the template can be sent only from the admin center. If you turn this button on, managers won't be able to initiate reviews using this template on the front end.
After completing these parts, click "Review Questions" to move on to the next step.
Review Questions - Step 2 of 12
You can either select one of the existing question sets using the drop-down menu or create a new question set using the "Add question set" button.
Note: Please note that the review questions section is not a required field, so you can proceed to the next step without adding questions to your review. This functionality is for admins who need to conduct reviews solely based on goals or other aspects.
You could add existing sets to the review using the "Select from existing" button. You can also create new sets by pressing the "Create new" button.
When you press the "Create new" button, a new window will open. On this screen, set a title for your question set. Then add a description.
Then define the form of your question. When you are adding questions, you will have 5 different options:
Free form
Multiple choice
Likert Scale
People Picker
Note: To learn more about the use cases to utilize the ''People Picker'' question type, see this article here.
You can also add a small description explaining the context of the question or some instructions to be kept in mind while answering.
Note: If you choose the question form as a rating, you can include the question you have prepared in the average score of that section. It means that based on the rating questions, Teamflect will automatically calculate the average score the reviewee / reviewer has given and display it at the top of the question set in the user interface as shown below in the second image.
In the admin center:
2. In the user interface:
Important note for rating questions: You can also include the average ratings given both by the employee and the reviewer in the review result section by ticking the box next to the criteria name in step 5 called ''review result section.''
In the image below, you can see how the criteria name and scoring of this question appear in the result section.
When you come to the question visibility section, you will have 5 different options:
Both sides: Both parties (reviewee + reviewer) will see and answer this question.
Reviewee only (answer visible to reviewer): Both parties will see this question but only the reviewee will be asked to answer.
Reviewee only (answer not visible to reviewer): Only the reviewee will see and answer this question.
Reviewer only (answer visible to reviewee): Both parties will see this question but only the reviewer will be asked to answer this question. The reviewer's answer will be visible to the reviewee.
Reviewer only (answer not visible to reviewee): Only the reviewer will see and answer this question. The reviewer's answer will not be visible to the reviewee.
If you turn on the "Required" option, the review won't be able to be submitted if this question is not answered.
After you add all the questions to your question set, you can now click the "Create" button.
The new question set you created will now be included in the existing question sets. Click the "Goal-related questions" button to proceed to the next step.
Goal-Related Questions - Step 3 of 12
You can add the goals of the reviewee in the review period into the review as a question set. To activate this feature, you can turn the "Add goals owned by the reviewee as a question set" option on.
When you turn this button on, a few more options will appear. Here you can add instructions for goal questions, choose which goals to include, and choose which goal period to include.
Only Include Parent Goals
You are already aware that in Teamflect, the goal structure depends on parent goals and subgoals connected to them. However, if you do not want the subgoals to be evaluated within the review, you may toggle the button.
Once toggled, the review participants will only see the parent goals and evaluate their performance based on the parent goals' progress.
Only Include the Goals with Weights
As it's possible to assign custom weights to the goals based on priority or importance, you may want to only evaluate these goals within the review. If so, toggle the button and Teamflect will exclude the goals that do not have an assigned weight.
Goal Types to be Included
In this section, you can select the available goal types in your account to be included in your employees' review.
Goal Periods to be Included
When you want to select the goal period to be included, two options will appear.
1. The first one is " Only the goals that are started and ended in the review period"
If you choose the first option, only the goals whose start and end dates are within the review period are selected and take their place in the review. This option is ideal if the review period is relatively shorter, e.g.: weekly or monthly reviews.
Review Period: Jul 1-Sep 30, 2023
Goals to be included: Only the goals that started on/after Jul 1, and ended on/before Sep 30, 2023.
2. The second option is " All goals that are active in the review period (the goals that have at least 1 day within the review period)"
In the second option, all goals that are active during the review period are selected and take their place in the review. This option is ideal if the review period is relatively longer, e.g.: Annual reviews, mid-year, or quarterly reviews.
Review Period: H2 Jun-Dec 2023
Goals to be included: All the active goals whose start and end dates fall between June 1 and Dec 31, 2023.
Question Type for Goals
Finally, set the question type to decide how your employees evaluate their goals' and related performance. You have 3 options in this section. These options are "freeform", "multiple choice" and "rating".
If you choose the "freeform" type, there will be an empty box under the goals in the review. Reviewee can write his/her thoughts about the goal in this box.
Multiple Choice
If you select this type, the choices you have prepared appear under the goals in the review. Reviewee can continue by ticking one of these choices. If you want to allow more than one choice to be ticked, you can activate the "allow multiple answers" button. If you want a comment section under the choices, you can activate the "ask for additional comments" button.
If you choose this type, the rating section will be displayed under the goals in the review. Reviewee can choose a number within the rating range determined here. If you want to add a comment section under the rating section, you can activate the "ask for additional comments" button.
You can click on "Make goal-related questions mandatory" button to make this section mandatory.
Competency Questions - Step 4 of 12
If you have configured the ''Career'' module in Teamflect and added competencies related to your employees' job titles, these can be incorporated in the employee reviews by enabling this section.
Note: If you'd like to learn more about how to set up the Career module before including the ''competency questions'' in your reviews, please refer to this article here.
After including competency questions in the review template, please make sure to give this section a title first and then you'll be able to insert instructions as well.
Next, you'll decide on the answer type for these competency-related questions and you'll have 3 options.
Free form (open text format)
Multiple Choice (i.e. excels, meets expectations, developing, etc.)
Rating (i.e. 3 out of 5, 6 out of 10)
Then, please select who should answer these questions. Here, you have 5 options:
Both sides: Both parties (reviewee + reviewer) will see and answer this question.
Reviewee only (answer visible to reviewer): Both parties will see this question but only the reviewee will be asked to answer.
Reviewee only (answer not visible to reviewer): Only the reviewee will see and answer this question.
Reviewer only (answer visible to reviewee): Both parties will see this question but only the reviewer will be asked to answer this question. The reviewer's answer will be visible to the reviewee.
Reviewer only (answer not visible to reviewee): Only the reviewer will see and answer this question. The reviewer's answer will not be visible to the reviewee.
Lastly, if needed, you can make this section required so that the review participant(s) will not be able to submit the form without answering the competency-related questions.
After you're done, please proceed to the ''360-degree feedback.''
360-Degree Feedback - Step 5 of 12
If you turn the "360-degree Feedback" option on, you can add a feedback section to the review. First, please type the "360-degree Feedback Instructions". Then choose whether you want to use the same feedback template for everyone or use different templates for people belonging to different groups.
If you select the ''use different feedback templates for peers, supervisors, and/or direct reports'' option, you can activate the groups you want to receive feedback.
After completing the group selection, select one of the existing feedback templates or create a new one with the "create new feedback template" button.
Minimum and Maximum Number of Feedback Providers
In this case, the minimum number of feedback providers is 0 and the maximum number of feedback providers is 5. Keeping the minimum number at ''0'' means that this section is not required and the review can be submitted even if it does not contain any feedback requests/providers, and a maximum of five people from your company should be selected to submit the review.
Note: Drag and drop the icon to increase/decrease the number of feedback providers.
Under the "Ask from direct reports" section, there is the "Automatically request feedback from direct reports of the reviewee" button. When you select this option, Teamflect sends feedback requests to all direct reports and supervisees of the reviewee.
Note: This button is only in the "Ask from direct reports/supervisees" section.
To learn more about setting up the supervisor/supervisee relationship in Teamflect, click here.
Select Visibility for Reviewee
Then please select the visibility of the feedback. There are 4 options here.
The first one is "Feedback answers will be visible to both reviewee and reviewer".
The second option is "Feedback results are hidden but provider names are visible".
The third option is "Feedback results are visible but providers are anonymous".
And the final option is "Both feedback results and provider names are hidden". You can choose any of these four options.
This is how feedback appears in the review.
Who can Ask for Feedback?
After choosing the visibility, please select who can ask for feedback. There are 3 options here.
The first one is "Both reviewee and reviewer".
The second option is "Reviewer and admins only".
And the final option is "Admins only". Please select one of them to proceed.
Then click the "Review result section" button to proceed to the next step.
Review Result Section - Step 6 of 12
In this section, you will configure how the "Review Results" section will be. You can see an example of the result section below from the reviewer's point of view.
In this step, you can activate 4 sections.
Enable Overall Rating Summary
The first of these is the ''Overall rating summary.'' If you enable the review rating section, you need to add criteria/criterion to the review for the reviewer to rate the reviewee according to these criteria. Then specify the criteria names, explanations, and weights.
The section may be hidden from the reviewee by using the "Hide rating section from the reviewee" toggle.
Note: If you've included the ''goal-related questions,'' you can also add goal progress as a criterion by clicking the checkbox next to "Goal progress". When you select "goal progress" as a criterion, an automated metric will be added to the review criteria list.
When added, the overall progress of the reviewee's goals (excluding self-development goals) that are due in the review period, will be added automatically to the review. This value will be an automatically calculated value that comes from the overall goal progress of the reviewee and won't be able to be modified by the reviewer.
Example: If the reviewee's overall goal progress is 50% and if you selected the "Score out of" value as 5, reviewee will get 2.5 points from this criteria.
All the values you add here will be visible in the "Review results" section inside of your review cycle.
Enable Custom Evaluation Section
If you prefer a more verbal evaluation rather than sticking with numerical ratings, you can enable the ''Custom evaluation section'' Optionally, you may want to hide the multiple-choice section from the reviewee, to do that please check the box highlighted below.
Enable 9-box
Optionally, you can enable the 9-box for the result section. If there are instructions about the 9-box section, write them in the instructions section.
The 9-box grid is fully customizable, and you can edit the grid names, background colors, axes, and levels. After customizing your 9-box grid, you can check the box below that reads ''Hide 9-box results from reviewee'' to decide if you want the results of this 9-box grid to be not visible to the reviewee.
If you'd like to also guide reviewers in making more accurate and informed choices for their direct reports you may enable the ''AI-assisted 9-box suggestion'' setting.
The setting uses performance and average ratings, along with the review content, to suggest the most suitable selections.
By enabling this feature, reviewers can receive intelligent suggestions, making the evaluation process more meaningful and efficient.
Optionally, enable the "Overall comment section". By activating this button, you can add your comments to the result section in the review.
Overall comments will be visible to the reviewee, reviewer, reviewer's manager, and the Teamflect Administrators. Private comments will be visible to all of the above but the reviewee.
Enable inviting people other than review participants for comments: You can also invite other people to check the review and participate in leaving a comment in the overall comment section by checking the box right below the ''Enable overall comment section'' statement. This is the perfect workaround if you'd like a second reviewer added to the review. That way, the collaborator will have full visibility on the review and provide their comments in the overall comment section with a clear image in mind.
Example scenario: The reviewee has a supervisor, indirect manager, secondary manager, or skip-level manager, the admin or the reviewer can easily invite these people for them to provide comments about the reviewee after checking the content of the review.
Enable private comment for review participants
The "Enable private comment for review participants" feature in Teamflect offers flexibility in how comments are managed during reviews. Here’s a breakdown to clarify its functionality:
Feature Disabled (Unchecked):
When this setting is not enabled, only one type of comment box is available, ''overall comments by reviewer.'' This box is used for "shared" comments.
Shared comments are visible to all parties involved in the review process, including the reviewee (the person being reviewed), the reviewer (typically the direct manager), any collaborators (other individuals invited to contribute to the review), and Teamflect admins.
Feature Enabled (Checked):
Enabling this setting provides two distinct types of comment boxes: one for shared comments and one for private comments.
The shared comment box functions just like the single comment box when the feature is disabled: comments here are visible to the reviewee, the reviewer, collaborators, and admins.
The additional private comment box is exclusively for the reviewer, admins and any collaborators. Comments left in this box are not visible to the reviewee or other non-administrative participants. This allows reviewers and collaborators to share confidential feedback or discuss sensitive topics that may not be suitable for the reviewee to see.
This feature is particularly useful for maintaining transparency where necessary while also allowing space for private discussions about the reviewee’s performance, development needs, or potential issues.
Click on the "Development plan" button to proceed to the next step.
Development Plan - Step 7 of 12
You can add a "development plan" section to your reviews.
As the creator of this review cycle, you can add instructions for the development plan section. The instructions you write here will be visible inside the review. Please see below:
By enabling the "Make development plans mandatory" option, users will be unable to submit the review without adding self-development goals. Both parties can create self-development goals in this section.
Enabling the "Disable updating goals after review completed" setting will prevent both parties from assigning new self-development goals within the review page, as the review will have been finalized well before any attempts to do so.
Click on the "Attachments" button to proceed to the next step.
Attachments Section - Step 8 of 12
The file attachment section allows you to attach relevant files and supporting documents to the performance reviews. This can help provide additional context or evidence of your accomplishments and contributions.
To use this section, simply turn the "Add attachments section to this review" button on. You can also add instructions for the attachments. Once you activate the file attachment section, users can click the "Upload file" button in the reviews and select the file they want to attach. Users can attach multiple files if necessary.
It is important to note that the types of files that can be attached to your performance review may vary depending on your organization's policies and the purpose of the review.
Click on the "Signature Section" button to proceed to the next step.
Signature Section - Step 9 of 12
You can add a "Signature section" to your reviews. If you turn the "Signature Section" option on, two options will appear.
These options are "e-signature" and "written signature when printed". If you choose the e-signature option, you can sign the review electronically when the review is completed. if you choose the other option Teamflect creates a section for the reviewee and reviewer to sign at the bottom when you print out your reviews.
You can also write a description for your signature section and the description you write here will be visible inside the review.
After selecting the signature type, you can also select who should sign first. Here you have 3 options to select from:
No restrictions: After the review is finalized, the system enables the signature section to both parties with no particular order.
Reviewee first: After finalization, it will only allow the reviewee to sign the form first, and then it'll go to the reviewer.
Reviewer first: Once the form is finalized, it'll first be signed by the reviewer, and then it'll be possible for the reviewee to sign it.
This is what the signature section looks like when you print out your review:
And this is what the signature part looks like when you choose e-signature:
Click on the "Finalization Flow" button to proceed to the next step.
Finalization Flow - Step 10 of 12
In this section, you can decide how the final flow of the review should be. There are two options in the finalization flow section. These options are:
Calibration off
Calibration on
1. Calibration Off
If you select "Calibration off", reviewers can finalize the evaluation themselves. As the admin, you'll still be able to see the review, however, you won't have a chance to calibrate the review results and be in charge of finalizing the review. So, as the admin, you'll have partial control over the review.
You can also enable a meeting recommendation to be sent when the "Release for discussion" button is clicked as the review will be finalized by the reviewers themselves.
2. Calibration On
If you select "Calibration on", when the reviewers submit their review results, the results will be sent to Teamflect Administrators for calibration. During the calibration process, the administrators will be asked to enter the calibrated scores. Nothing will be visible to the reviewee until calibration is completed. As the admin, you'll have complete control.
Note: If you are an admin who is responsible for calibrating lots of reviews, please click here to learn how to calibrate reviews in bulk.
Then, please select who should finalize the review after the calibration.
Calibration supervisors (Teamflect admins): They will approve the review in the calibration process, make the necessary edits, and finalize it then.
Reviewers: The reviewer of the review sees the calibrated/moderated version of the review first, and then finalizes it for the employee to also see it.
Note: The review can be sent back to the reviewer for further edits if needed when you check the box that reads ''reviewers will be able to edit the reviews before finalization.''
Summary & Test - Step 11 of 12
Within this section, you have the ability to access a concise overview of the review cycle you've created. Moreover, you can easily rearrange the sequence of sections including the order of the multiple question sets included by utilizing the arrows positioned alongside each section.
You will see 3 options at the bottom right. You can click the "save & close" button to use the review later. You can use the "save & test" button to test the review you have created before initiating anything. You can use the "Start" button to start the review. When you press "Start" you will be automatically redirected to the last step.
Start & Automate - Step 12 of 12
You will see 3 scenarios in this section. You can start the review cycle by selecting the scenario you want. For detailed information about the scenarios, you can read our article.
After choosing the scenario, select the reviewees, the period under review, and the due dates.
Once you are done with all the settings, click "Start" to start the review.
You will be asked to confirm before starting the review. Once you start the review, you will not be able to make changes to the template.
After you start the review, you will be redirected to the "Review cycles" page where you can see a list of your existing review cycles.
Note: The automated review cycles can be tracked on the ''Review Templates'' page.