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How can I set up automation for the reviews?
How can I set up automation for the reviews?
Isabella R. avatar
Written by Isabella R.
Updated over a week ago

Teamflect administrators can now automate the determined reviews. Teamflect administrators can automate the review cycles to be sent periodically or when the first "x" days have passed. In this way, Teamflect administrators no longer have to create separate reviews for specific date ranges. After setting up the automation, Teamflect sends the reviews to the selected people at specified intervals.

Step 1

To automate a review cycle, first, go to Teamflect Admin Center ""

Step 2

Find "Modules" on the left navigation bar and click the "Reviews" tab.

Step 3

Click "Start new review cycle".

Step 4

When the pop-up opens, you will see the existing templates. Please choose one of the templates from the dropdown menu.

There are 3 scenarios in the opened window.

Scenario I - Start a one-time review cycle now

The first one is “Start a one-time review cycle now”. When you select this option, you will not set up automation. In this option, you first define the cycle name. If you have a note for the review participants, you can optionally add it.

Then you select the reviewees. There are 5 options in the reviewee section. Using this section, you can send the review only to managers or non-managers, filter the people according to the department, location, and domain they are connected to, or upload a CSV file and send reviews to the selected e-mail addresses.

By choosing the first option, you can send the review to the whole company.

Note: When you select this option, the review is also sent to users who do not use Teamflect at the company. Teamflect receives their information through Microsoft Azure.

By choosing the second option, you can select everyone who signed in to Teamflect so far (excludes non-Teamflect users).

By choosing the third option, you can select the reviewees manually.

By choosing the fourth option, you can filter the reviewees based on department, location, domain, days spent at the organization, being a manager or not, or based on different custom attributes set by clicking on the ''Add filter'' button to see these attributes previously set in your account.

In the days spent in the organization section, you can make your selection to be less or more than "x" days.

By choosing the fifth option, you can upload a CSV file containing the user emails and you can set the review to be sent to the e-mail addresses in this file. For this, first download the CSV template file.

Open the downloaded file, delete the existing e-mail addresses, and add the desired e-mail addresses.

After saving the file, click the "+ Choose File" button and upload your file.

Note: Direct managers of the reviewees will be automatically assigned as reviewers. If the reviewee doesn't have an assigned manager, you'll be able to choose the reviewer manually after the review is sent through the ''See existing cycles'' section located on the Reviews module. Alternatively, you may choose specific reviewers or calibrators when uploading the CSV file as an option.

Then you can set the period under review and select due dates.

Finally, click the “start” button to send a one-time review.

Scenario II - Automate to start review cycles periodically

The second scenario is “Automate to start review cycles periodically”. When you choose this scenario, you can send the reviews to people with certain frequencies.

For this, you must first define a cycle name. If the name of the review cycle you have created needs to change in certain periods, you should add "{{period}}" to the end of your cycle name. This text ( {{period}} ) inserts the current period name in the cycle name.

For example; if you name the cycle as "Performance Review for {{period}}", the automated review created after 2023's Q1 will be named as "Performance Review for Q1 2023". If the frequency is monthly, the automated review created after 2023's January will be named as "Performance Review for January 2023".

After specifying the cycle name, you must select the frequency. There are 4 options here. These are the "end of each month", "end of each quarter," "weekly," and ''yearly'' options.

Choose one of these three options.

Then set the time and timezone to send the review. If you have a note for the review participants, you can optionally add it. Then please select the reviewees. Finally choose the due dates for reviewer, revieweee, and finalization.

Your automation is now ready. You can save this automation by clicking the "save automation" button.

You can view the saved automation rules by clicking the "Automations" section on the “Review templates” page.

You can view the details of the automation by clicking on it.

Scenario III - Automate for employees who complete their first "X" days

The third and final scenario is “automate for employees who complete their first "X" days in the company”.

To set up this automation, first set the cycle name. Then select how many days after the employee's hire date the review should be submitted.

You can click the "Only send to users who logged in to Teamflect" button if you do not want to send to users who do not log in to Teamflect.

Optionally, you can filter the employees based on their managerial role, department, location, and domain, allowing you to initiate reviews accordingly.

Then set the time and timezone to send the review. If you have a note for the review participants, you can optionally add it. Finally choose the due dates for reviewer, revieweee, and finalization.

Your automation is now ready. You can save this automation by clicking the "save automation" button.

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