You can add a signature section at the bottom of your reviews when creating a review. This way, both parties can sign the review after the review is complete.
If you want to add an e-signature section to the review, please go to Teamflect Admin Center
Step 1
Find "Modules" on the left navigation bar and click the "Reviews" tab.
Step 2
Click "Review templates".
Step 3
When the page opens, you will see the existing templates. If you want to use one of the existing templates, you can click the "Start" button to start a review that uses that template.
Step 4
If you want to create a new review template and start, please click the "Create new template " button located at the top of the page.
Step 5
When you click this button, a new review window will open. Please proceed to step 8, the Signature section.
In this section, first, enable the signature section and select "e-signature" from the following two options.
Note: If you'd like to learn more about the ''who signs first'' section, please see this article here.
Step 6
You can now sign this review with an e-signature. When both parties complete the review, the signature section appears at the bottom of the review and this section can be signed with e-signature.
Step 7
You can sign in the box that appears by clicking the "Sign" button.